Apple Mail

Revision as of 11:18, 6 January 2025 by Wikiadmin (talk | contribs)

Use this process to configure your native Apple Mail app on an iPhone or iPad.


Configuring a new Email Account at Bravenet is a three step process.

  • Step 1 Create a new Email Account
  • Step 2 Configure and Test your Email Client
  • Step 3 Review Email Settings (If applicable)

Setup Details

Step 1 Create a new Email Account

If you haven't already done so, create a new Email Account using the following process:

Login onto the Bravenet Console
  1. Click on the 'Email' tab
  2. Click on the 'New Email Address' button
  3. Provide the following information
    1. Email Address
    2. Domain
    3. Password
    4. Confirm Password
  4. Click the 'Create' button

Step 2 Configure and Test your Apple Mail

Use the following steps to configure the Apple Mail native App.

For the Name, Email, Password, Description and Username fields please substitute the information below with information pertinent to your account.

Configuration Steps

2A) Settings > Apps > Mail >  Mail Accounts    (Scroll down on the left pane to find Mail)

2B) Add Account > Other >  Other > Add Mail Account

2C) Enter the following information:

Name: Your Name
Password: YourUniqueStrongPassword
Description: Bravenet Email Description

2D) Next (We suggest you leave it on the IMAP setting)

Incoming Mail Server
Host Name:
Password: YourUniqueStrongPassword
Outgoing Mail Server
Host Name:
Password: YourUniqueStrongPassword

2E) Next

On the next screen you should see the Mail slider enabled (green background, and the Notes slider disabled (Gray background).

2F) Click Save

Exit the Account screen by pressing the big round button on the front of the iPhone/iPad or use the virtual method of swiping up from bottom.

2G) Test

Start the 'Mail' app and test the settings by sending and receiving an email to the account.

Step 3 Review Email Settings (if applicable)

Bravenet offers the following IMAP email configuration settings.

We recommend using IMAP over POP as IMAP is more modern, has more features and supports today's email clients better. You generally don't need to understand or configure these settings as Apple does a great job of selecting the correct settings for you when running their setup wizard.

IMAP/SMTP Settings

Incoming (IMAP)
General Alternative
Email Protocol: IMAP IMAP
IMAP Server:
IMAP Port: 143 993
Encryption Method: TLS/StartTLS SSL
Encryption Method: Webmail Password Webmail Password

Outgoing (SMTP)
General Alternative
SMTP Server:
SMTP Port: 587 465
Encryption Method: TLS/StartTLS SSL
Encryption Method: Webmail Password Webmail Password

Currently the native Apple Mail app setup wizard for IMAP (iOS 15.6.1 (2022)) uses a combination of our General and Alternative settings as follows:

  • For IMAP the app uses SSL on port 993
  • For SMTP the app uses SSL on port 587

Troubleshooting Information

Please see Troubleshooting Email for assistance with troubleshooting email issues.

Further Information

Add Additional Email Accounts

Add Additional Email Storage