How can I customize the links on my Blog?
1. Log into Bravenet and click on "Blog" in the list of registered services 2. Click on "Manage Links"
To create a new link: In the Add New Link section, select a category from the dropdown menu, or type a new category into the "Create New Category" field. Enter the address of the page in the Link URL field, and add a title for it in the Link Title field.
To edit a link: In the Re-order/Delete Links section, click "edit this link". Update the information, and click on the "Edit Link" button
To delete a link: In the Re-order/Delete Links section, click the red "X" next to the link you would like to remove.
To change the position of a link: In the Re-order/Delete Links section, click the blue arrows to move your link upwards or downwards in the menu.